Rutherfordton, NC 28139
Available for Emergencies: 24/7
Mission Statement
The Rutherfordton Fire and Rescue Department, an agency of the Rutherfordton municipal government comprised of career and volunteer staff, exists to serve the citizens of the town and district by protecting lives and property within its service area from the destructive effects of fire, accident, and natural disaster. To this end, members of the department are pledged to maintain a state of preparedness and level of training capable of controlling reasonably expected occurrences requiring its intervention. Furthermore, the department staff and membership strive to maintain an awareness of current research and techniques of fire and incident control at the highest-level time and budget constraints allow.
Rutherfordton Fire and Rescue is a combination department, utilizing both career and volunteer (paid-per-call) members. Our volunteer membership makes up 2/3 of our department.