Comprehensive Land Use Plan
A comprehensive land use plan is an aspirational policy guide for how Rutherfordton should manage land use change over the next twenty years. It contains a vision statement, guiding principles, a future land use map, goals, action statements and a detailed implementation element that together provide a blueprint for citizens, developers, property owners, staff, boards and the Town Council.
About the Plan
- The Town of Rutherfordton Comprehensive Land Use Plan was adopted by the Town Council on December 2, 2020
- The comprehensive plan is not an ordinance or law, but development plans and rezoning decisions must be made with consideration of the plan.
- The plan calls for protecting the existing neighborhoods in Rutherfordton and directing commercial growth in managed catylst areas.
- The plan encourages economic opportunities, while at the same time maintaining the character and resources essential to Rutherfordton's place in a vibrant, growing community.
Approved Plan
Comprehensive Land Use Plan- Town Plan 2040
Future Land Use Maps
Future Growth Opportunities Map