The Shop with a Cop Application deadline is approaching fast!
The Rutherfordton Police Department offers an annual opportunity to work with families in our community, especially those with underprivileged children who may not have the same opportunities as others their age. With Shop with a Cop, RPD Officers take kids Christmas shopping with money they raised over the course of the year.
Criteria to participate in the program:
- Child is between 3 and 18 years old (must still be in high school).
- Family resides in the Town of Rutherfordton.
- Child must be able to separate from families while shopping.
- Child must be present on the shopping day to apply.
Shop with a Cop nomination forms and applications are due to the Police Station by December 1st, 2020. Fill it out online, print off an application/nomination form on our website, or come by Town Hall to fill one out in person. Family notifications will begin December 4, 2020. The Shop with A Cop event will be held on December 15th unless notified otherwise.