If your organization has experienced extraordinary business disruption and not been able to open due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, the new Mortgage, Utility and Rent Relief (MURR) Program may be able to offer assistance with some of your fixed costs.
To qualify to receive these relief funds, your organization must meet certain eligibility criteria.
We are accepting applications for this assistance on a first-come, first-served basis.
We can’t guarantee your business will receive funding under this program. However, we will pay the maximum assistance for which a business is eligible, and will make those payments to as many qualifying businesses as we can until program funds are exhausted. If additional funds become available after the first round of funding is committed, the Program may reopen – but there is no guarantee we can reopen.
The NC Department of Commerce MURR team is available to assist you. Email your questions or comments to: murr@nccommerce.com or visit their website for more information.